Sunday, December 30, 2012


I want to know what your New Years Resolution is for 2013! Did you break your 2012 resolution? Was it to lose weight, save money, start a business, what?

WHAT DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE in 2013??? if anything?

Okay well mine for 2013 is to lose weight and pile up some savings for me and my family. Be more active!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy

Parents drop off their children at school and go to work, thinking that their kids will be in a safe place until they return home. 

You never think that a coward shooter will come into the school and start shooting kids!!!

What kind of person could do this? 

Let me ask you, have you asked your kids what they would do if something like this happens at their school? Do you and your kids have a meeting place in case of any kind of emergency? Do you have a backup plan in case you're not able to get to your kids? Do you have a code word for you and your kids for them to relay that something is wrong? 

These types of crazy incidents are too close to home and I'm sure there will be more. Be prepared as possible, talk to the school and your kids. Make sure they are prepared as well.

Those families are in our prayers.

The Lost Diary

This blog isn't complete but I will go ahead and start it..... Enjoy!

This subject is sensitive to my heart.  You may call me crazy if you want but I miss my diary so much.

For my 12th birthday, my Aunt bought me a red diary that had a key to open. The outside of the diary was red with a white lace design. On the inside of the book, I wrote my name and the date, January 11, 1989.

In this diary was my whole life.  Every day, week, month, would be something new. I remember so many things that I wrote, and even my friends wrote. At 12, my diary wasn't too much detail. I wrote about things that got me upset, things that made me smile, situations at school, etc.. I remember one story when I was in 8th grade, and met a guy named JOE. Someone told me that he wanted to be my boyfriend. From that point on, I felt so nervous around him because he was very cute, tall, smart, very outgoing, and liked me!!! Well, one day he asked me to the school dance and of course I said YES!!! My mom dropped me off at the school in my cute blue dress, my hair had such cute curly rods, and my black flat dress shoes. When I walked into the gym, I saw a lot of girls dancing and most of the guys holding up the wall. I kept looking around for Joe but I didn't see him. But, I did see one of the guys that I was practically best friends with, John.  He was always around me, we always would sit next to each other in our classes, and he would make me laugh so much! Needless to say, I spent the rest of the dance night with him. He got me some punch, he slowed dance with me, we sat and talked for a bit, we had the best time together. By the end of the dance, I was like "Joe who"??  John gave me a peck on the cheek before I left and I felt so happy about the whole thing.  Monday morning at school, Joe comes to me and says sorry he couldn't make the dance on Friday. I told him I had the best time anyway.

As I moved up to the 9th grade (14yrs old), that's when the book started to get a little interesting.   I was getting older and more into my feelings, and concerned about what others thought about me and how I looked/dressed, and got braces!

Ninth grade was awesome actually.  I joined the pom pom squad which was the best group ever.  I felt so cool, being part of a great group of girls in all ages of high school. When I was in middle school, I was in a dance group called "Dance Company" which was great also but a smaller group. They prepared me for high school poms. As soon as I got to high school, I instantly made friends with a girl named Candra, who was in most of my classes.  We would walk the halls together and everything.

I wrote about the roller skating rink and who would be up there, who drove me and my BFF (Shay), what song was on the radio and what we had on. I would even write about when we were so pissed off that neither of our parents would drive us to the rink! The nights that we stayed home from the rink felt like our life was ending as we knew it. I mean, it was the most depressing 3hrs of our lives, from 7pm to 10pm. lol... After 10pm, we were fine and back to normal.. We were just crazy teens I guess. The nights we did get to go skating, we had our guy friends  meet us up there, who we met AT the rink.

The skating rink. WHEEL-A-WHILE was the place to be, every single Friday night. If you didn't show up on a Friday night, you were lame. (In our 15yr old eyes lol).  You had to have the cool skates, the cool jeans, the cool jacket, the cool shirt, the cute hair. Everything had to be on point.

I wrote about my first real crush, my first kiss, my first everything.  That book was my life.

One day when I was 17, I came home and my diary was broken open!! OMG!! I felt so violated!! There were things I had written that nobody knew, things that were so personal to me and it was the way I got things off my chest. So I found out that little 10yr old brother had broke open the diary and had read it already. Talk about UPPPPPPPPPPPPSETTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I told my mom that he had read it, and he even started asking mom what some of the things meant that I wrote. Do you know I'm the one who got in trouble for putting certain things in my diary? I could not understand this whole issue and how I was getting talked to when my brother had done the crime!!!

Anyway, I got over it.  After he broke into the diary, I just kept it with me at all times. I started writing about my job, my first day,etc.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

TGi Fridays

So I'm at the bar and I notice so many people on their phones, texting, just like me I suppose.. lol... Anyways, it's funny cuz we go out to have a great time with friends but then we sit on our phones and text the rest of the world and others who aren't with us! I think it's hilarious... We tweet, text, and Facebook while we're suppose to be out havin fun with friends. Not saying anything is wrong with this cuz we ALL are guilty of it!
Technology allows us to get away with this and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! Text on folks!!

Starbucks is crack

What is your favorite Starbucks drink?
Do you drink it every day?
My favorite drink from Starbucks is the Venti Vanilla Latte.
I probably drink it way too much, like Monday through Friday.
I also like my Venti White Mocha or a Grande Caramel Frapp
I know this may sound crazy, but I think Starbucks is really crack.


Five Below - The Coolest Store

Okay, Five Below!! Please someone give credit where credit is due! This store is probably the coolest store with the worst advertising... I had never heard of this store until maybe a year or two ago.. When I go in there, I totally forget what the hell  I came in there for, just like the grocery store.

For those of you who have never been inside Five Below, you are missing out!! There are board games for all ages, nail polish, makeup, pillows, AWESOME kid books such as Guinness World Records, cool math & science books, Oh oh oh and let me tell you about the phone/ipad/ipod accessories!!!!! I had the Kindle Fire so I went to FB to get a case for it, now I have the Kindle Fire2 and I was able to get a stand, sleeve, earphones, and iPhone case. Each item was $5 and under.. They also have iPhone 5 stuff as well and everyone knows if you go to the mall to get accessories, you're paying $20 or MORE, easily.

Click here to check it out!!

The coolest store with the coolest prices!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

"ME" Time

Sometimes you need "ME" time.. Actually alot of times you need your "ME" time. When you find time by yourself, uninterrupted, you find out more about yourself, you can find out what you really want to do, you can actually hear yourself think. For me, I'm on the internet alot so I read about things that I love or am interested in.

One thing I've always wanted to do is open a Doggy Daycare! Now, this will obviously cost a great deal of money, so I know I need to find a way to earn or raise money to do this. Now, this is a very long term goal but I'm just letting you know what I'm interested in.

Below is a link that I came across as something I want to do in my area but first, I need to be certified in dog training, kennel operator, and would help if I was a vet tech. These are the things I need to research.

Let me know what you're interested in, find a link and add it, let me know your first step in how you plan to move forward.. Networking is a big part of getting started in which your OWN attitude and personality play a HUGE role in that aspect (which is a whole nother blog lmao)! <--- coming soon....

Anyway, dont ever think your goals are unobtainable becz I believe that was my first issue... I use to want to be a veterinarian but after I found out how much school was involved, I totally gave up..Now, I see old friends on facebook who are doctors and attorneys and I'm like DAYUM!! I shouldn't have given up. Now, I push my 2 boys to do their very best in school and outside school!! Keep them busy!!!!!! My mom yells that important fact all the time and she's so right!

I know I keep jumpin topics but I just say whats on my mind.

So anyway, comment, give feedback, share stories!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Winterland Program

Sitting in the audience waiting for my son to perform!! What's messed up is that I had no idea he was going to perform until tonight.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Makeup School - QC Academy

So I started a course with QC Academy which is a makeup class... I'm interested in doing makeup for people and make them look flawless.. Well, I started the class (online) in September, its now December and I'm still on the FIRST session. I believe I should be like in the 3rd session by now.. Anyway, just goes to show how I lost focus really quickly. But, I did get through most of the session and I'm almost finished and they've mailed me session 2. Hopefully I can get through all 4 sessions by Winter 2013 lol. It's something that I wanna do but it's not at the top of my priority list and the good part about the class is that I can work at my own pace, OBVIOUSLY.

My Journey


I have listed a few of my personal goals and will work towards them starting NOW:

Exercise & Eat right
Teach my sons Spanish
Purchasing my dream home

I purchased a book written by Chris Gardner, "Start Where You Are". He explains how he started from nothing and moved forward to become a self made millionaire! (I purchased my book from Amazon for about $5.00 used).

Click on link below to check it out!



Own a business
Nail Designs
Hair and Makeup
Culinary Arts-Recipe Book
Gift Baskets
Greeting Cards
Write/Publish Novel/Songs

The Beat

Today I`m blogging from my new kindle fire 2!!! I love it so much!!! 

I want to talk about writing--- novels, music, poems, scripts, etc... 

As some of you may already know, I write mostly songs.. Right now, I'm kinda struggling with getting the sound I want, the beat. I think the beat is the most important part because that's where the heartbeat of the song lives.  Without a beat, the song may sound empty.

To date, I've written 4 completed songs and currently working on the 5th one. The beats I've used in the past are from as well as youtube where individuals sell their beats for cheap if you just want to get your song out there to people. It cost MORE if you want to sell your song using the beat that you sampled. I will post more details on this if anyone is interested. 

Of course you can always create your OWN beats using a beat machine or keyboard with that capability. Most keyboards with good beats and the ability to record overlap are more expensive. The keyboard I want is a Yamaha PSRS710 which runs around $1000 and that's the low end! But, it's probably better to create your own sound, even though you pay more in the beginning. 

Fantasy Flight Day at Dulles Airport!!

December 8, 2012 was Fantasy Flight Day at Dulles Airport! This is where United Airlines and Make a Wish Foundation treated the kids as if they're visiting the North Pole! I walked through the terminal and how they set it up was absolutely gorgeous!!!!

Living alone vs Roommate(s)

I've had my own place and I've had roommates and let me tell you, there's nothing like having your own spot, your own place, your own kitchen, your own laundry room, your own everything!!!!!

It all depends on your situation also.

Pros and Cons anyone? Feel free to write as you wish!!

Long Distance Flirt? Does it work?

I have a girlfriend that's wondering about a guy that just popped into her life after 6yrs have gone by. They met in college, hung out and had a good time together. Now, after 6yrs, he (out the blue), calls her and says he was thinking about her! So then she wonders, "Where have you been in the last 6yrs"? Why now? Although, he did catch her while she is available at the moment.. She was extremely excited to hear from him.. Here's the catch, they live at least 500miles away from each other! No pics have been traded between the two but they talk everyday...

Here's a question: If you got a call from a guy out of the blue, and you ask him, "Why did you really call after all this time"? And he responds, "I was thinking about you for a long time but I just never called and really thought your number changed by now". Six months go bye and you find out through conversations that he really called because he was mad at his girl at the time. Do you get upset? Even if they're broken up now? And by the way, you two have created a bond between other, not sexual or anything but talk more frequently.

Would you be upset? Why or why not?

Don't be shy! Approach the guy!!

Okay so we've all been in a situation where you're at an event, you see someone you're interested in but don't want to approach them.

Why do we become so nervous?? They're human just like us right? Well, I will try to give some tips to make the approach easier.


Don't miss out on the love of your life just because you're shy. They could walk out the door and then you will never know if that person was meant for you.

Step 1. Make subtle eye contact with a slight smile (This lets him know that you're friendly and easy to talk to).

Step 2. SAY HELLO for goodness sake

Step 3. Strike up small convo .. Not cheesy convo.. Something you see that you can relate to OR a simple question perhaps.

Step 4. If you're way to shy to do any of the steps above, write a simple note such as this "Hello, I'm Mary. You caught my attention and I was hoping we could grab a cup of coffee. Call me if you want to chat.. Have a great day." Either you can hand the note to him yourself and walk away, OR you can hand it to a friend to slip to him.

Step 4 may seem a little "Old School" but it works!!!

Step 5. If he calls, great! You're awesome! If he doesn't call, you're STILL awesome! This just brings you another step closer in being confident.

Here's a whole different approach, if you feel more confident... Bump into them!! (I was told this works) lol.. "I noticed you and felt like if I didn't say anything, I'd miss out".

Share YOUR stories on how you met a person that you were shy about. I would love to hear the different approaches!!