Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Lost Diary

This blog isn't complete but I will go ahead and start it..... Enjoy!

This subject is sensitive to my heart.  You may call me crazy if you want but I miss my diary so much.

For my 12th birthday, my Aunt bought me a red diary that had a key to open. The outside of the diary was red with a white lace design. On the inside of the book, I wrote my name and the date, January 11, 1989.

In this diary was my whole life.  Every day, week, month, would be something new. I remember so many things that I wrote, and even my friends wrote. At 12, my diary wasn't too much detail. I wrote about things that got me upset, things that made me smile, situations at school, etc.. I remember one story when I was in 8th grade, and met a guy named JOE. Someone told me that he wanted to be my boyfriend. From that point on, I felt so nervous around him because he was very cute, tall, smart, very outgoing, and liked me!!! Well, one day he asked me to the school dance and of course I said YES!!! My mom dropped me off at the school in my cute blue dress, my hair had such cute curly rods, and my black flat dress shoes. When I walked into the gym, I saw a lot of girls dancing and most of the guys holding up the wall. I kept looking around for Joe but I didn't see him. But, I did see one of the guys that I was practically best friends with, John.  He was always around me, we always would sit next to each other in our classes, and he would make me laugh so much! Needless to say, I spent the rest of the dance night with him. He got me some punch, he slowed dance with me, we sat and talked for a bit, we had the best time together. By the end of the dance, I was like "Joe who"??  John gave me a peck on the cheek before I left and I felt so happy about the whole thing.  Monday morning at school, Joe comes to me and says sorry he couldn't make the dance on Friday. I told him I had the best time anyway.

As I moved up to the 9th grade (14yrs old), that's when the book started to get a little interesting.   I was getting older and more into my feelings, and concerned about what others thought about me and how I looked/dressed, and got braces!

Ninth grade was awesome actually.  I joined the pom pom squad which was the best group ever.  I felt so cool, being part of a great group of girls in all ages of high school. When I was in middle school, I was in a dance group called "Dance Company" which was great also but a smaller group. They prepared me for high school poms. As soon as I got to high school, I instantly made friends with a girl named Candra, who was in most of my classes.  We would walk the halls together and everything.

I wrote about the roller skating rink and who would be up there, who drove me and my BFF (Shay), what song was on the radio and what we had on. I would even write about when we were so pissed off that neither of our parents would drive us to the rink! The nights that we stayed home from the rink felt like our life was ending as we knew it. I mean, it was the most depressing 3hrs of our lives, from 7pm to 10pm. lol... After 10pm, we were fine and back to normal.. We were just crazy teens I guess. The nights we did get to go skating, we had our guy friends  meet us up there, who we met AT the rink.

The skating rink. WHEEL-A-WHILE was the place to be, every single Friday night. If you didn't show up on a Friday night, you were lame. (In our 15yr old eyes lol).  You had to have the cool skates, the cool jeans, the cool jacket, the cool shirt, the cute hair. Everything had to be on point.

I wrote about my first real crush, my first kiss, my first everything.  That book was my life.

One day when I was 17, I came home and my diary was broken open!! OMG!! I felt so violated!! There were things I had written that nobody knew, things that were so personal to me and it was the way I got things off my chest. So I found out that little 10yr old brother had broke open the diary and had read it already. Talk about UPPPPPPPPPPPPSETTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I told my mom that he had read it, and he even started asking mom what some of the things meant that I wrote. Do you know I'm the one who got in trouble for putting certain things in my diary? I could not understand this whole issue and how I was getting talked to when my brother had done the crime!!!

Anyway, I got over it.  After he broke into the diary, I just kept it with me at all times. I started writing about my job, my first day,etc.

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